Electric Shadow

GLEE Takes on Newtown

TVLine's Michael Slezak takes a spoiler-filled look at the events and consequences of shots fired in the school on Glee. The URL includes what some may consider a spoiler. I'll excerpt spoiler-free:

For starters, I know a lot of folks will probably ask if it was “too soon” for Ryan Murphy & Co. to tackle a story arc about gunshots ringing out in the hallways of McKinley High a mere four months after the real and unspeakable shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary. I understand that question, but the sad fact is Sandy Hook wasn’t the first tragedy of its kind, nor will it be the last. So perhaps it’s folly to debate the timing of such an episode: You’re either going to go there, or you’re not. You’re either going to use the real-life dread we experienced as a nation for dramatic purposes — and, yeah, to possibly make a political statement — or you’re not.

There's such a thing as topicality, but it's quite another, as the piece goes on to analyze, to potentially and permanently shift the status quo of a show. This is especially the case when it involves major, beloved characters.