Electric Shadow

Paramount Officially Recalls Private Ryan

As reported here yesterday by way of The Digital Bits, there's an audio synch issue with all Saving Private Ryan Blu-rays currently in the wild. Today, Paramount issued an official recall posted at The 'Bits. Apparently, the issue is related to a mastering error at "valuable partner" Technicolor prior to mass duplication.

People who already have discs in hand can follow these replacement instructions from at The 'Bits (where you can read the rest of it):

"Technicolor has set up the following toll-free numbers for consumers who have already purchased the Saving Private Ryan Sapphire Series Blu-ray, which provides details on how they can receive a replacement copy -- US and Canada: 888-370-8621, UK: 08000-852-613. Consumers can also return the Blu-ray to the stores where they purchased the product to receive a replacement. Technicolor expects to have replacement discs available at retail no later than Tuesday, May 18."

Digital Bits Editor Bill Hunt (scholar, gentleman, and good guy) has confirmed that the "fixed discs" will have yellow UPC labels.