Electric Shadow

Complicated Naptime

I didn't dislike It's Complicated for the reason various male critics have: they dismissed it as "older lady wish-fulfillment fantasy". Substitute some nouns and adjectives and that descriptor applies to the best films of Federico Fellini. I'm not saying Nancy Meyers is a female Fellini, just pointing to the flaw in a hypocritical, sexist argument that I see far too often.

There were bits I had fun with, that reminded me of the Shymeyers golden era movies like Father of the Bride duology (which I still enjoy), but they were painfully few and far between. I stayed awake thanks specifically to Streep, Baldwin, and Martin, with a side of John Krasinski. The best thing it's got going is Streep and Martin doing pot. Well, there's that and every time Baldwin opens his mouth. He works wonders with uncomplicated brutes.

The Blu-ray includes a commentary track with writer/director Nancy Meyers and a 20-minute featurette that is nothing more than EPK fluff. Everyone seems to have loved working with everyone, and by the way: everyone was fabulous.