The below screencaps are all taken from the DVD flipside of the recent Blu/DVD combo versions of these films.

Out of Africa: Streep, Redford, and Pollack. Even having never seen this projected, I'm still not impressed. This looks like another rush-job. The movie itself doesn't bore me, but I have more patience than most. Extras include Pollack commentary, feature doc, deleted scenes and assorted other things. $17.99 at Amazon...yikes. A burn in every sense!

Today on "Keep Your Criterion DVD", we have Steven Soderbergh's Traffic. The transfer is hard to objectively pin as great or "could be better" due to the highly-stylized color palette used in different segments. To my eye, it's solid, properly grainy (low DNR), and uniformly improves on the detail present in Criterion's DVD edition, which has all the extras missing from Universal's new Blu-ray. They should have licensed everything like they did on Do the Right Thing. They did include 24 deleted scenes and the Inside Traffic featurette. Also $17.99 at Amazon currently. Yikes 2: The Revenge.
When I need to convey some thoughts about a few DVD or Blu-ray releases but don't have time nor you the need of 1000 words of filler, I compile thoughts in these entries. The title of I Have No Time, But I Must Screen is shamelessly adapted from the great Harlan Ellison's I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, a wonderful collection of fiction that I consider one of my favorites. Amazon offers it in Analog Paper format for just under $11.