Fight Club is at last arriving on Blu-ray in the US on November 17th. Fincher's Palahniuk adaptation was one of the early benchmarks for studio-produced DVD Special Editions. After its release, all were compared to its comprehensive crafting, down to the packaging.
The Finch-level of obsessive design and detail are a big reason why many were introduced to the film, which didn't do well in theaters. Try to find someone who saw this movie the first time in first run and not on video and you'll come up short. The original two-disc affair was one of the first three DVDs I purchased to go with my Playstation 2. The PS2 was my first DVD player thanks to a high school job I had working in a video game store. The added extras are slight, but it's still jam-packed just carrying things over. Here's a rundown of the new stuff:
A Hit In The Ear: Ren Klyce and the Sound Design of Fight Club
This interactive featurette allows the viewer to re-mix the sound on four scenes: Welcome To Fight Club, Angel Face's Beating, The Crash, and Tyler's Goodbye.
Flogging Fight Club
The press release doesn't say what this is, so I'll venture a guess as to what this is. I'm assuming it has something to do with the controversy that the movie has drawn over the years thanks to unauthorized "fight clubs" cropping up.
Insomniac Mode: I Am Jack's Search Index, Commentary Log, Topic Search
According to the press release, this "gives viewers the ability to access any part of the disc's extensive bonus material via interactive tools," whatever that means.
Behind-the-Scenes with Fincher, Pitt, & Norton accepting Guy Movie Hall of Fame honor at SPIKE TV'S 2009 GUYS CHOICE Awards