Electric Shadow
My One and Only
Mel Brooks vs. Mel Brooks vs. Rocky
The Moral Of...The Hangover
All women are ball-busting annoyances of some sort, with the notable exception of prostitutes. Prostitutes and other sex workers are the voice of reason in the universe, and are probably the only key to happiness and fulfillment.
The idea for The Moral Of... sprang from a post I made to my Twitter feed.
Captain of the Jewish Debating Team
A Digital Copy is thrown on the Blu-ray, which is currently $15.99 on Amazon, $4 less than the 2-disc DVD. New release Blu-rays are finally hitting DVD-like first week price points! The Blu, DVD, Digital Download, and On Demand versions of The Hangover go live this coming Tuesday, 12.15.
Imagined Memories of an Immigrant
My father was a teenager during the revolution and the ousting of Fulgencio Batista, and I've spent my whole life being told myriad conflicting versions of what things were like then, since, and now. Sometimes that storm of disagreement came from his own conflicted and confused memories of that time in Cuba's history. A fair warning to those who don't know many Cubans: conversations about politics span not only hours, but days. Likewise, those with embedded stakes in Cold War-era politics will debate the most minute of details, and those on both ends of the political spectrum will effortlessly tell you that you don't know "the real truth" about anything. Regular readers of this column know that on the US political spectrum, I fall definitively left of center. My sympathies regarding the Castro revolution lie with the lower classes of Cuba, and not the wealthy upper class that fled the country with Batista and the majority of the national treasury. I don't condone or support the Castro regime, but I likewise do not support the US taking it over and putting a Starbucks on every corner. Soderbergh's movie does not deal with the mass executions at La Cabana (which occurred after the events in Part 1), nor does it touch on various moments that subject matter experts consider significant and iconic in Guevara's very full life. I'm fine with that, because those events may be important to those positing their individual take on Guevara's worth as a human being, but not to the narrative they intended here. Che is a chronicle of two military campaigns, and the through-line of how failure inevitably follows success.
Pandora-Free Zone
Maintenance Day
The Moral Of...Four Christmases
Hide everything from the person you love and everything will work out to domesticated bliss. Any insane thing that your parents do is totally normal, because when people get older, they do the craziest shit you could imagine.
The Moral Of... sprang forth fully-formed from the head of a post I made to my Twitter feed.
Christmas 3 Weeks Early
How Many Christmases?
HD Guide: So You Want to Buy a Blu-ray Player
The Moral Of...Night at the Museum 2
Resisting the urge to grow old in the bowels of a museum banging a mannequin that looks like Amy Adams and comes to life only at night is a virtue. You can always retreat into your younger, more ambitious self to avoid the pressures of fame and success. Always leave your kid at home so that he can provide you and the audience with ample exposition via cell phone.
The Moral Of... sprang forth fully-formed from the head of a post I made to my Twitter feed.
The Moral Of...Overboard
Sometimes all an uppity rich bitch needs to learn her lesson is a good knock upside the head and amnesiac sex with a day laborer. Misinformed consensual sex and plenty of housework are the secret to happiness for women everywhere. Being an otherwise loutish, lazy bastard is fine as long as you're a single parent. Accountability is always too much of a pain in the ass!
I'm realizing how often "misinformed consensual sex" is going to appear in The Moral Of's for romantic comedies.
The Moral Of... sprang forth fully-formed from the head of a post I made to my Twitter feed.
Disc Roundup (TV) November 2009
Disc Roundup (Movies) November 2009
The Moral Of...The Proposal
Sometimes you have no choice but to commit fraud in the name of greed and ego. Love can then spring from the most impractical and depressingly desperate of places: the soulless world of publishing.
The Moral Of... sprang forth fully-formed from the head of a post I made to my Twitter feed.
The Moral Of...The Ugly Truth
Being a career-focused, independent woman will lead to psychological disorders only curable by banging a Scotsman who should have been allowed to use his native accent since it slips out all the time anyway. Being a human sex toy for your man will transform you into the obedient, servile Stepford Slut every guy wants and deserves. Lighten up you uptight bitch, and unfurl your skank flag!
The Moral Of... sprang forth fully-formed from the head of a post I made to my Twitter feed.
The Moral of...The Accidental Husband
Fraud and misinformed consensual sex are the secret to happiness in love. Give bad advice and someone will commit fraud to stick their dick in you to a Feist soundtrack.
The idea for The Moral Of... sprang from a post I made to my Twitter feed the other day.