Electric Shadow

THE GRANDMASTER Blu-ray: US/International Cut Only

A freshly arrived press release confirms that the re-dated US Blu-ray for Wong Kar-wai's The Grandmaster does not include the longer Hong Kong cut. In an age of declining physical media purchasing, I think this is a big mistake (as usual with Asian releases) on the Weinstein Company's part.

...special features include THE GRANDMASTER: From Ip Man to Bruce Lee, A Conversation with Shannon Lee (Daughter of Bruce Lee), THE GRANDMASTER: According to RZA and Behind the Scenes footage.

Those extras don't make me feel like I'm missing anything by having imported the Hong Kong disc. If they send me a copy, I'll cover it here, but I can't convince myself to shell out for this one.

I prefer the longer version by a wide margin, but according to a conversation I had with Wong at San Diego Comic-Con in 2013, the US re-edit was done with his direct involvement, and he likes it. Contrary to the alarmism of others, I like that there are two cuts the director is happy with, since it's the musical equivalent of a remix.