Electric Shadow

The New Logo

Unless you've never visited before, you noticed a new logo on the site as of this morning (see right). I like it so much that I'm ashamed I didn't spend a couple of hours making it years ago.

I didn't use an external service or hire a friend. I bought Pixelmator for $30, warmed up my old graphic design muscles, and executed a cocktail napkin sketch I drew almost three years ago. The old, "generic four-hole off-kilter film reel" icon was low-res, fuzzy, and awful, buoyed by garbage kerning and…well, everything. Better than nothing doesn't mean good.

What I wanted (which I ended up with) was something that could play a little trick on your eyes and be three different things: a film reel in profile, a dead-on POV of a six-bullet revolver chamber, and a fancy boot spur.

I also narrowed these text fields by about 200px. I like them better this way, and the revised color schema site-wide feels more at home. Hope you all like the changes and upgrades. Feedback is welcome as always.