Electric Shadow

Warner Announces Mad Max Trilogy Blu-ray

I cross-posted this news at AICN.

On June 4th, 2013, all three Mad Max movies are being released in a 3-movie, "limited premium tin" edition package.

The press release leaves out whether any or all of the films are being remastered.

The old MGM master of the first one was not perfect, but far from awful. The Road Warrior, however, is long overdue for a fresh transfer. The 2007 disc lacked lossless audio and the color is undoubtedly off. Nor have they said anything regarding extras: new ones, old ones, anything.

Single-movie editions of all three will be available. Beyond Thunderdome is making its Blu-ray debut.


I hope at the very least that, unlike the MGM disc, the new menu loop video for Mad Max no longer spoils the climax of the movie. When I showed my wife the movie on her first viewing, she said "oh, so [a specific person] dies, huh?"