Electric Shadow

The Daily Grab (13): The Grand Dame

On first through fifth viewings, fellow Texan Kathy Bates has always been my favorite element of Titanic. I had planned to feature this frame today even before I saw she'd revealed via Twitter that she's recovering from a double masectomy due to breast cancer diagnosis. Didn't know she had a Twitter until today.

As a young actor in suburban Dallas, I loved that such a vibrant and resonant talent as Ms. Bates had studied acting at SMU, a college that I desperately wanted to attend to study acting myself. I haunted the campus, seeing shows and lectures. When I was on the grounds, I regularly thought "holy shit, Kathy Bates rocked this joint".

Kathy Bates is unsinkable. If there is a group of people who have the strength to beat the everloving shit out of cancer, she's team captain.