One of the greatest and most inspiring comics creatives in history passed away over the weekend. Some massive jerk compared him to Joe Paterno for doing "scab" work like Before a piece eulogizing a better man than he'll ever be.
Naturally, pissing off a fanboy for daring to do work-for-hire on a property deemed by a few asshats to be untouchable sacred ground is equivalent to covering up the rape of a child. He used the word "unethical" to describe one of the paragons of sequential art. He has since issued an unapologetic "apology". He'd have been better off just fully taking his lumps and admitted that he made an incalculably bad comparison. Instead, his mea culpa was "I'm so sorry that you guys misunderstood my towering critical genius and don't like, get me" (sarcasm added mine).
I recommend against giving this guy the traffic by not going to his site to read this stuff, but you're an adult, police yourself as you see fit. I do fully endorse the recourse I urged in this tweet.