Based on the two currently released, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-ray sets represent an outstanding achievement in both 35mm preservation and home video. On this episode of Screen Time, I talk to Robert Meyer Burnett, one of the co-producers of this series, which will see more seasons out next year.
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The next episode of Screen Time features an interview with legendary voice director Andrea Romano. It, along with #16 here, are among my favorite bits of work I've done with Screen Time.
We have some more great guests coming up, including Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro (subject to their very busy schedules). 2013 is going to be a big year for this show.
I should also mention here that I am now booking sponsors directly for both Screen Time and Giant Size. Drop me a line through the contact form if you or your company are interested in sponsoring these shows. We can accomodate varying levels of budget and placement.