Electric Shadow

Analysis and Metrics

I really dislike the modern form of critical discourse about movies. Based on the hive mind on the internet, it seems that to some, if you love this film, you're a lowly, materialistic child in an adult's body. Hating it means you're an incorrigible, heartless idiot. No one is allowed to come to a moderate conclusion that eschews overflowing hyperbole geysers in this age of metric-based critical opinion. The masses demonstrably lean toward the "love it" end of things, as do I. I feel that the best compliment I can give is that a movie is among my favorites of a given year, but by no means does that require me to name every movie I "liked" as one of the best I've seen that year.

I hate that there are people whose standards of film criticism seem to enforce some sort of Vulcan, emotionless, and impersonal tone to reviews. I think that's utter bullshit. It's also bullshit that using a word like "bullshit" is considered "unbecoming".