Electric Shadow

Please, Accept the Mystery

I missed out on the movie blogger lovefest on this movie last summer, catching it the other night on DVD and loving it instantly. It is the opposite of the general implication of "a comedy sketch at feature length". The leads are all still "gee shucks" boy detectives at age eighteen. They live in enough of a different reality that they could be considered criminally insane.



I'm not certain if the manchild social commentary was intended or I peered too deep into its soul, but aside from that, Mystery Team is more fulfilling than every major studio comedy I've seen in at least a year. Unlike many movies of the last few years, I could see myself watching it over multiple times. The three man-boy detectives are handed an actual murder case. It's a semi-surrealist mystery comedy that should result in lots of work for its very talented production team. Look at Derrick Comedy's video about Bro Rape here (embedding was disabled) for an example of their sensibility.

The DVD includes commentary that isn't a waste of time (a rarity), a making-of featurette that actually informative and interesting (also rare), and a gag reel combined with deleted scenes. Also in there is a test shooting of the opening scene, and a piece about Wally Cummings, a guy who looks a lot like Donald Glover with a red mustache. Buy it, loan it, gift it, and support what Mystery Team is: un-homogenized entertainment.