Electric Shadow

Free Willy Goes Fourth

This week saw the release of Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove, starring Bindi Irwin and Beau Bridges. It's not great, but not altogether terrible. I sincerely like that it's very very preachy about species conservation and locking up wild animals in "habitats" roughly the size of what they'd consider a bathtub. This is not unexpected, with the daughter of "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin headlining the thing.

Bindi plays the daughter of an American veterinarian living in Australia. Her dad injures himself and in a quantum leap of logic, she is sent off to Cape Town, South Africa to stay with her grandfather (Bridges), who owns a run-down amusement park. The only other notable actor in the show is a tiny South African penguin (not kidding, he's very funny).

I found it curious that nowhere in the extras did they mention that they only used CG and mechanical Orcas in the movie. I would figure they'd tout this fact, but it's left completely untouched. The extras include a pop-up fact track, three featurettes focusing on Bindi's life on-set, some deleted scenes and outtakes.