Electric Shadow

Behind the Brothers Warner

I learned more about the real story behind some of Hollywood's most iconic brothers in an hour and a half than I did in years of college. Directed by one of the Warner granddaughters, The Brothers Warner is worthy of a standalone purchase by cinema history enthusiasts and Warner aficionados alike. It would be lovely if it were included in forthcoming mega collector's sets like the Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind boxes from last year, just so that more people see it.

I love the stories of how the greatest studios almost never were, and even more than that, docs like this one that cast doubt on the legend of the "faces" of success stories like Jack Warner. I wasn't aware the Warners were the only studio in Hollywood to stand up against the Nazis, either. There are copious anecdotes littered throughout by family members and colleagues (Debbie Reynolds, poor Dennis Hopper) alike. I replayed it on repeat twice after initially finishing it, because there's a lot to absorb. Amazon has it for $16.49, which is a bit steep. Keep it on your "to get/watch" list.