Electric Shadow

Titans of Grain, The Neverending "Debate"

Warner's recently-released Blu-rays of Clash of the Titans (1980) and The Neverending Story are prime examples of the non-controversy that has reared its head a few times already regarding the graininess of Blu transfers. Regardless of where you stand on the Grain Monks Versus Grain Protestants argument that Jeff now considers over and done, this is a different thing.

I've seen multiple damning reviews that seem to come from the perspective that WB should have somehow jumped into a time machine and shot Clash on REDcam and had ILM do the effects shots. Both Clash and Neverending suffer from the quality of stock elements and effects available at the time.

When people cried foul at the transfer on Rocky, I wondered how recently they'd seen the movie projected, because that transfer looked spot-on to me. I just cannot wait to see what these geniuses say about TRON when it inevitably hits Blu by end of year.