Bitch Slap has a lot of the components of an exploitation movie, but the gigantic amount of green-scenery just mucked things up for me. You've got some revenge, ultra-violence, and women in extended, fetishistic slow-mo sequences littered with lousy dialogue and beyond ridiculous plotting. It's a movie by guys who enjoy exploitation movies but don't really understand them or how to carry on that spirit.
I really take great exception to the "creative team" celebrating "how big of a whore" one of their lead actresses is in the opening minutes of a commentary track. It's just unbecoming and ungentlemanly, and it would have put me off anything they do had I not already suffered their terrible waste of effort, resources, and lives. The comeback for criticism like that which I've put here is that the critic in question "just didn't get it," but that couldn't possibly hold here since the filmmakers don't get their own material at the most elemental levels.
The DVD includes two commentary tracks too many and a featurette. No joke, the 3-part, 99-minute Building a Better B-Movie featurette is hilarious, and vastly more enjoyable than the movie. A great option for rental if you really enjoy worthless wastes of time.