Electric Shadow

Free of FriedkinVision

Still one of my favorite car chases

I'm greatly relieved that MGM/Fox Home Video's Blu-ray of To Live and Die in L.A. is not displayed in FriedkinVision, with the colors acid-washed like the French Connection travesty of last year. The picture looks sharp and crisp, with no evidence of digital distortion, and I'll be damned if the dialogue has ever sounded this clear on a home video edition. It almost sounds like they re-ADR'd all the dialogue.

Delayed from release last year, To Live and Die includes both a Blu-ray and DVD. The only really bothersome thing is the fact that all of the DVD SE extras are only on the DVD. The Blu-ray includes the feature and original trailer...and that's it. If you don't already have the DVD SE, $16 isn't bad. Otherwise, you're spending $16 for just the "Blugraded" visuals and audio.