There were so many excellent transfers of titles from 1980-1990 that I had to split them out to their own separate post. From here on, I'm going very concise on these so that I can finally be done with the wonderful, marvelous year that was 2009 in DVD & Blu-ray releases. For those who've asked, there will be a summary post that is just titles in list form with no commentary.
Best of the Best
The Last Emperor: The Criterion Collection
Director of Photography Vittorio Storaro demanded a modified aspect ratio (2.00:1) instead of the original 2.40:1 for this release. I'd ordinarily complain, but the color grading and contrast are such a drastic improvement over previous DVDs that I'll fall back on my worship of Storaro and Bernardo Bertolucci.
Best of the Best
Do The Right Thing
A rich, hot transfer of one of my favorite films (and the Obamas' first date movie) is the best I've ever seen it.
Best of the Best
Kagemusha: The Criterion Collection
As I said in my August 2009 review:
"The picture is the closest I've seen to a film print on my television, with what I'm deeming a 'Whole Grain' level of detail. I'm not a fan of Digital Noise Reduction and never have been. This transfer is clean, raw, and vivid."
An American Werewolf in London
A reference-quality example of dark, early-1980's photography and the marvelous practical effects work of Rick Baker.
Field of Dreams
A movie that I've had difficulty watching since my father had a stroke, the transfer here replicates the presentation of the film the first time it "elevated" me watching it with my dad.
Night of the Creeps
The most unlikely but wonderful restoration/re-release of the year is also one of the crown jewels in Sony's HD mastering crown.
The Last Starfighter
From a the 18 August 2009 Disc Roundup:
"I've seen complaints online of digital scrubbing, edge enhancement, DNR, and so on, but I didn't pick up on anything that particularly bothered me. My mantra on this stuff is "consider the source material," and I'm at a disadvantage due to the fact I never saw a print of this movie projected. I'll be damned if the Blu-ray doesn't impress anyone who's known this movie on VHS for most of its life, though. The CG shots are remarkably clear and crisp, and the live-action stuff looks up to par when compared to what a relatively recent print I saw of Flight of the Navigator looked like."
Logan's Run
See above on all counts. The cover art makes it look like a pilot for a new "SyFy" Channel series. I had never seen this movie before, but had a relatively fun time with it. I'm not certain what anyone would get out of remaking it, but if Bryan Singer wants to do it, then let him.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
I saw a newly-struck print of this shortly after reviewing the Blu-ray, and I was stunned by how alike they were in grain structure and picture quality, from effects shots to action scenes to conversational scenes.
Big Trouble in Little China
Last year, I lost a good friend to cancer. He introduced me to this movie in college. I've loved it since and treasured it even more so since his last days. I've never seen this on anything but DVD, but Fox did a magnificent job on this disc.
Labyrinth & The Dark Crystal
From the 29 September 2009 Disc Roundup:
"Sony has really outdone themselves with the transfers on these two Henson Company classics. I've never seen either one of these movies projected, just VHS copies and DVDs, and they both look jaw-droppingly good. Sony is handily maintaining its reputation as one of (if not the) best Blu-ray houses in town, as well they should, having invented Blu-ray in the first place."
Say Anything
Another top-notch Fox transfer, I said in November that despite a horrendous piece of cover art, "the transfer is solid and the audio is stellar."
The Highly-Regarded But Unseen:
The Last Metro, El Norte, Silverado, Starman, The Princess Bride, Groundhog Day, Sex, Lies and Videotape, Amadeus, Stop Making Sense, and Gremlins
Discs of the Year is a look back at the year in disc releases and trends, from the best to the worst.