Electric Shadow


I wish I could take a translated English script of Demon Warriors (Opapatika in Thai) in a time machine to the 1990's and cast Don "The Dragon" Wilson, Steven Seagal, or Dennis Rodman (why not?) in an American version. A cop has to commit suicide to enter "the spirit realm" so that he can defeat a supernatural ganglord. Once bestowed with extra powers and strength, he's faced with a deterioration curse. Anyone who hates lengthy exposition will love this movie, because it spends only a couple minutes to hit you with "here's the high concept, swallow in one gulp."

I love that a label like Magnet Releasing exists so that generally insane foreign genre releases can be seen by US audiences. I would, however, very much like for them to stop making foreign discs default to the horrendous English language dub tracks.

Bar none my favorite thing about the DVD release is the insane quote from Variety on the cover: "Ingredients for a nasty version of X-MEN." Had the writer ever seen X-Men, or is this taken wildly out of context? There's no way to know, since no evidence exists online that this Variety review ever happened. I'm sure Variety reviewed it at some point, but that organization is terrible about making their content searchable or even existent online.

The only extra on the disc is The Making-of Demon Warriors [15:47]. Demon Warriors was released on August 4th.