Electric Shadow

Rio Bravo 2.0: El Dorado Remastered

Similar to this past week's Liberty Valance upgrade, El Dorado has gotten the Centennial Collection treatment with improved picture and sound, with extras sectioned off on their own disc. Two Commentaries are included, one with Peter Bogdanovich going it solo, and the the other with a combination of Richard Schickel, Up star Ed Asner, and Todd McCarthy.

The standout supplement, as with Valance, is a nearly hour long, 7-part featurette called Ride, Boldly Ride: The Journey to El Dorado [41:50]. It's pure Howard Hawks crack for the addict, filled with little interviews and great high-quality stills.

Also included are The Artist & The American West (1967) [5:28] a vintage featurette, and Behind the Gates: A.C Lyles Remembers John Wayne [5:32], which is more a hero worship thing than anything else. This is the best you'll see it until it goes Blu.

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