I just couldn't resist continuing this idea I posted yesterday. I may bring it back every so often over the summer.
15. Option A: Memorial Day Bale-a-thon where you rent The Machinist, American Psycho, and both Nolan Batman movies on Blu-ray and watch well-made movies featuring Christian Bale. Option B: Buy the Machinist Blu-ray.
16. See The Brothers Bloom
I missed it at Fantastic Fest, and Jeff walked out of it, hating on it intensely since then. I've been told by people I trust who aren't pally-pally with director Rian Johnson that it's really quite good. Even if it isn't the greatest thing ever, I'd rather reward a movie that tries to be interesting over either T4 or Night at the Museum, which are passive, unengaging "entertainments."
17. Buy 21st Century Breakdown, the new Green Day album.
18. Get your dog a bag of Sweet Potato Jerky or your cat a Kitty Kuddler (if you have a cat you should have one.
19. Buy a bag of animal food for a dog or cat rescue organization.
20. Buy three or four titles from a big box retailers $3-$5 DVD bin that you're glad you didn't spend $20 on three years ago.
21. Get an ergonomic wrist rest for your mouse and an IMAK pain relief bead-filled comfort strap for whatever small shoulder bag you're lugging.
22. Buy a case for your Personal Media Player of choice. I dropped mine the other day and was glad I had it in something.
23. Take an old friend out for lunch.
24. Buy a cheap frame for one of the hundred posters you have still in tubes.
25. Buy Permanent Midnight and Junebug on DVD and grab a sandwich on the way home.
Nourish yourself with both. Stiller and Adams in much better movies you can loan friends and not feel bad for doing.
26. Buy a decent Twitter client for your phone or computer (I prefer Tweetie)
27. Buy a couple cheap bottles of summer wine.
28. Start a small savings account where you put money that you would have regretted spending on groupthink impulses. Being picky is not a bad thing.