I would love to see Mike Judge tackle remakes of Eric Rohmer's "Moral Tales". Extract carries on his inimitable stylistic touch and works very well on a variety of levels, including perfect comic utilization of Ben Affleck. The whole cast is unique and diverse. There's a sense of authenticity to everyone, including the one worker played by Judge himself. Ensemble strength like this is rare and has been for a while.
Retired Sexiest Man Alive Ben Affleck
Unlike Office Space, it isn't destined for cult canonization, but it's a perfectly good movie that didn't get enough attention because it's a solid situational comedy with no tabloid appeal or cheap, crass humor. Judge unfortunately was closer to the present day than the future with Idiocracy than anyone should be happy about. If only there had been 40 more nut-shots or 12 instances of someone shitting himself, then perhaps Extract would have reached the vaunted heights of major box office success stories. Home video should help raise its profile. Extras on the Blu-ray include a making-of (Mike Judge's Secret Recipe), a few extended scenes and one deleted scene. It deserves to be rented and seen at the very least. Judge devotees like me have already bought it. Extract hit the street last Tuesday (12.22).