Warner Archive released the long-requested Gilda Live on November 3rd for the same $14.95 that all their 80's and 90's titles are currently. The "concert" film (for lack of a better term) of Gilda Radner's summer 1979 Broadway show was directed by Mike Nichols, and features all of Gilda's signature characters: Roseanne Roseannadanna, Rhonda and the Rhondettes, and so on. Interspersed are sketches that feature the great Paul Schaffer and his impertinent holiness Father Guido Sarducci among others.
Watching this put a lump in my throat for most of the runtime. I know fellow fans who would have paid $30 for a bootleg of this, $50 even. She's that beloved for a reason: over the last ~30 years, we've rarely been treated to a voice so inspired and sharp.