Warner Bros. sent over the disparate Blu-ray trio of Logan's Run, Heat, and The Negotiator a couple weeks ago. Whereas I'm a big fan of Heat, I don't really care much for Negotiator, and don't have the childhood/adolescent love for Logan's Run that many do.

Logan was shot on-location around the Dallas-Ft. Worth area (my old stomping grounds), and was released seven years before I was born. The one time I had seen part of it previously, the miniatures and effects were painfully ineffective, and unfortunately, they are even more so in 1080p. I know that plenty of people will accuse me of just "not getting it" because of my age, but it just doesn't hold up. Logan's Run has some interesting source material behind it, and I think it could certainly stand being re-done, by Bryan Singer or someone else. The movie that exists currently is still held in high esteem due to nostalgia alone. I still love watching Michael York and Jenny Agutter in just about anything regardless of quality. The goofy dialogue made it all the more entertaining. The disc also includes a vintage featurette, the theatrical trailer, and Commentary with York, Director Michael Anderson, and Costume Designer Bill Thomas.
The Negotiator carries over the old DVD features and looks fine. It hasn't grown or declined in my esteem, but it never particularly grabbed me, despite the fact it features Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey.
Heat has the exact same supplements as the previous DVD edition, but the cut is very slightly altered. I'm going through with a side-by-side viewing to sort out the differences in the edit, but that'll take another few days.
All three discs hit the street last Tuesday, 11.10.