One of the few things I can put on in the background while I write these columns other than music is network TV shows. 30 Rock is one of the few that make it difficult to work while they roll along in the background. At various points in my post-festival illness when I haven't felt up to being upright, I've stuck in a disc from the Season 3 set that's been sitting in my review stack for a couple weeks, sadly neglected like a ton of other DVDs I haven't reviewed yet (but should be caught up on later today).
Season 3 of 30 Rock is the best yet, and it's easy to re-watch episodes like the one with Muppets or the one where Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) tries to find Mr. Green (Alan Alda) a kidney. Extras include the full 1-900-OKFACE commercial, Audio Commentary on select episodes, Deletes Scenes, Behind-The-Scenes With The Muppets, The Making of "He Needs a Kidney", the Table Read of the Season Finale, a Photo Gallery, and a couple other things I'm sure I'm missing here. Unlike the majority of TV disc releases, the producers of these build a good deal of value into owning 30 Rock rather than just letting it remain in stasis on your DVR.