I made it through the bulk of Fantastic Fest without falling ill, and then in the closing hours of the final evening, I began to succumb to what has been informally dubbed "Fantastic Flu." Worse, I started having some of the tell-tale signs of H1N1 (or Swine Flu/Pig AIDS depending on what you like to call it).
Austin is considered at outbreak level when it comes to H1N1, so I'm being extremely cautious. I'm going to try to get something posted today, but I have to clear my agenda in favor of looking into the symptoms I have. I highly recommend anyone who left Austin or is still here promptly get some Tamiflu and see a doctor just to be safe.
I may descend into one of those fever-dream mini-comas under the influence of medication. If so, I can only hope that I find myself in the universe of Park Dae-min's Private Eye (my favorite of the fest).