Why am I back writing? Jeff told me on the phone one evening he was tired of my only interaction with him being to let him know when someone died. I figured it's only friendly to change that trend.
I've taken an extended absence from Hollywood Elsewhere that ends today. Whether anyone or no one reads this column, I'm putting content back on it with one aim exclusively: cover Hollywood from outside of Hollywood. I don't have a film I'm trying to make or sell. I don't have a script I'm trying to get bought.
Listening to Jeff's chat with Guillermo del Toro a few weeks back, something rang particularly true when Guillermo said regarding living in your 20's (paraphrased) "it's so stressful, you always feel like 'what have I done? I haven't accomplished anything' and it's really tough."
That's described a big chunk out of the last couple years of my life. There were long stretches I'd write in this space multiple times a day, and then life gets in the way. Moving across the country, struggling to make ends meet, and balancing where the focus of my life rests overwhelms everything else. at least I'm cutting myself off of credit in all forms possible as early on as I can. There's no industry more sinister to me than the credit/debt industry.
People come up with names for generations like X, Y, and Millenials and other nonsense. Nomenclature for the sake of systemic nomenclature, it drives me nuts. Baby Boomers' generational name has something to do with their noteworthy anthropological claim to fame, so my generation deserves something like The Ambitious Little Emperors. We have all the drive in the world but default to wanting the world brought to us on a platter. Most of us have never truly gone without (or hungry, for that matter) and feel entitled to the pay rates and lifestyles our parents lived with once they started doing all right at work and abusing credit.
the point of this ramble is this: I'm back and going nowhere.
I don't care that I don't get paid to write on this site, because I prefer the editorial freedom and potential for audience. I won't write something that will waste your time, but don't expect to agree with me at any point. Also do not expect me to review every movie that is released either.
Expect I'll have something posted regularly and you won't be disappointed. The majority of my writing will not take detours into "and then I poured a bowl of cereal, fed my dog, washed my face, and then walked out the door" before 2000 words later detailing what I'm actually telling you about.