Electric Shadow

Striking Out at SXSW08

As I do every year, I hit a point when the overwhelming wave of SXSW's first weekend knocks me over. I'm behind on writeups, interviews, panels, photos...everything. It seems to happen earlier every year.

Something relatively new keeps happening to me this year though: I can't get into anything at certain points in the day. Today and yesterday alone I completely struck out over and over, and when I went to the next closest option, that was full too. Is this karmic retribution for skipping 21 and Harold & Kumar 2? Couldn't be, if anything I should get bonus points for choosing stuff I can't see on 3000 screens soon.

The Missed List (so far):

Forgetting Sarah Marshall and #2 pick during the same slot Where in the World is Osama bin Laden? (didn't get there in time running from downtown to South Lamar) as well as...
Dear Zachary set to start 90 minutes later, already full, and then...
Battle in Seattle: tried running back to downtown from S. Lamar with no luck

Nights & Weekends

Catching up on the last few days today...I'm taking the time I need to blow through my backlog.