Electric Shadow

FantasticFest08: Zombie Girl shambles to Slamdance 09

Zombie Girl was a fun doc I reviewed back in September when it played Fantastic Fest, the hajj of genre film enthusiasts. It's now moving on up to Slamdance 09 according to the lineup that Cinematical posted this morning.

This is excellent news in light of the recent blow to female directors in the Hardwicke Whacking of 08. Let's hope Emily really represents as much the future of female directors as her own generation. Emily and her mom Megan will be at ButtNumbAThon X this weekend, I'll see about grabbing a quote from them about where the movie is otherwise.

Speaking of Fantastic Fest, I have a Nacho Vigalondo interview that I need to put up in the days leading up to Friday, as (I'm assuming) Timecrimes expands to other markets.