Electric Shadow

SXSW 2007

Ashley and I will be attending SXSW 2007 this year, representing Hollywood Elsewhere in all its Eddie Murphy-dogging, Munich-taking-down glory (that was sarcasm). We'll be there most of the week this year, technically through closing night, but we'll see how weary we are by then. Opening night is The Lookout, directed by Scott Frank, the screenwriter of Out of Sight, Get Shorty, and Minority Report (go to hell, I liked it). The Ain't It Cool dudes have Disturbia going a couple hours earlier a few blocks away at the Alamo Drafthouse, and it'll be tough making both. It's a rough choice, but I'm probably gonna go with The Lookout in the end.

If you're going, drop me an email. I'll say this: if I don't get to hear Scott Weinberg trash something in current release that's utterly horrible, I won't have had fun.

Below are the films screening that I'm interested in at this point. I'm sure I'm missing some, and I haven't looked at everything, but these all look like I could theoretically see them all:

The Lookout*
Running With Arnold
Steal a Pencil for Me
The Ten*
Manufacturing Dissent (which I may see familiar people in...I'll detail this when I write it up)
The Prisoner, Or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair
What Would Jesus Buy?
Knocked Up*
Scott Walker: 30 Century Man
Confessions of a Superhero
Undead or Alive: A Zombedy
638 Ways to Kill Castro
A Lawyer Walks Into a Bar...
Reign Over Me*
Elvis & Annabelle
I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK* (probably won't happen)

* = denotes movies there's only one shot to see

Also...we're driving it.