Electric Shadow

Lemire's Best and Worst Bull

The AP's Christy Lemire has posted her list of 2006's best and worst in film. Lemire stands out in two respects: one, her review of Wong Kar-Wai's 2046 (one of the very best movies I saw that year) was one of the most even-handed I read, and two, she's one of the easiest journalists on the eye at unshaven male-friendly film festivals. I agree on some of the points in her gimmicky list, but some of it bugs me enough to write about it. To be precise, nobody takes a cheap shot at Rocky Balboa.

"Most ill-advised reprise of an iconic role: Tie between Sharon Stone, "Basic Instinct 2," and Sylvester Stallone, "Rocky Balboa."

Has Christy seen Rocky Balboa yet, or is she dismissing it out of hand as many have, sight-unseen? She lists Sly as tied with...yeesh Sharon "Basic Instinct 2" Stone for "Most ill-advised reprise of an iconic role". Are we calling Sharon's vagina iconic, really? Just as big and tough and inspiring as Balboa? I don't think so. I believe in Rocky and Stallone. Will Smith might have edged him in the "rebuilding your life" publicity department this year, but I'd bet money RB pays off just as well in a slightly different way than Happyness.

"Best sex scene: The entire opening sequence of "Shortbus" _ because they're really doing it."

Haven't seen it yet, but this reminds me that onscreen, non-simulated sex is all the rage these days. It's the new shaky-cam. Then again, multiple actors over the years have been quoted saying a lot more real sex exists on film than has been reported openly.

"Biggest waste of Scarlett Johansson: "A Good Woman."

So, Home Alone 3's Scarlett Johansson is the next Bacall/Hepburn/de Havilland? I worry about the implication that she's the next great thing.

"Best excuse for a good cry: "Lassie"

I just yesterday recommended a woman get this movie, sight unseen, for $20 at Target instead of a double feature of Sky High and The Pacifier for a total of $20. Any publicists wanna send me a screener so I can actually watch it, endorse it, and spread the good word? Kudos for putting a mention of this in here, Ms. Lemire.

"Guy with the most movies: Hugh Jackman ("X-Men: The Last Stand," "Scoop," "The Prestige," "Flushed Away," "The Fountain," "Happy Feet")."

Let's give Jackman a rousing notice for bucking the trend and doing a pile of excellent movies and excellent individual performances. I refer to The Prestige, The Fountain, and Happy Feet as whole movies, and all of the above listed for strong performances.

Take a look at her whole list, which is commentary and cheap shot snarking more than hard-hitting journalism. You'll see tons more of these from today through around Oscar time.

As for my list, I've got a lot of movies to see before I compile a Best of 2006. I'll add Year in the Rearview featurettes as they come...