Electric Shadow

David Lean's Talking at the Movies: Lawrence of Arabia


"AUDA ABU TAYI: Aqabaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

"I don't like Dryden, he's a little bitch, like Rumsfeld."

"God this is depressing"
-after the boy drowns in quicksand


"I really like how they don't force him into the sensitive hero bullshit."

"God, like, what is his <em>issue</em>?"
-after Lawrence orders the "No prisoners" charge

"Oh come on, like they had road signs."
-after the camera catches a road sign for Damascus

"I'm glad it wasn't hopeless, but it stayed real and stuff."
-a student exiting the theatre

"So, was he like...gay?"
-a very confused girl who was text messaging throughout the almost four hours of runtime

"That was like, the worst 3 1/2 hour experience of my life...ever."

"There were things I didn't understand, like why it ended the way it did, but it was really interesting."