Electric Shadow
524 (525 & 526): Two from Ozu

Exploring the Unthinkable
Walking With Eli

Perdition Blue Eyes on Blu
500 Million Song Buys
Faraci Wins Minor Victory
The Blu-ray of Clash of the Titans (2010) just arrived on my doorstep. A glance at the back cover reveals that it includes an alternate ending where Perseus confronts Zeus on Mount Olympus. It's a far cry from the radically different cut that Devin Faraci refers to in this article, but it's a glimpse, if nothing else. I, for one, wish they'd included more of Danny Huston as Poseidon. [CORRECTION: it seems there are some deleted scenes in there that I missed on first glance.]
Plastic Predator Blu-ray

Disc Roundup (Movies & TV) 6 July

Pleasures of PBS and Doc Martin
Disc Roundup (Movies & TV) 29 June

Radford and Wayne as Charters and Caldicott in Night Train to Munich
A Star Reborn

Green for Lime, Get It?

I can't pass judgment on the video transfer's quality until I get it in my hands, but I'll say right off that this "artwork" is hideous. If they picked green as the key color because Harry's last name is Lime, then they should also pack in a recipe for a Vodka Gimlet and a bag of limes. That's how little sense this makes. Ran subtitles were shit, the Ladykillers transfer was drenched in pink, and Contempt had some glaring soft spots. If there were something stellar to point to as an act of good faith, boy would I.
520: Everlasting Outlet for Creativity

Analysis and Metrics
I really dislike the modern form of critical discourse about movies. Based on the hive mind on the internet, it seems that to some, if you love this film, you're a lowly, materialistic child in an adult's body. Hating it means you're an incorrigible, heartless idiot. No one is allowed to come to a moderate conclusion that eschews overflowing hyperbole geysers in this age of metric-based critical opinion. The masses demonstrably lean toward the "love it" end of things, as do I. I feel that the best compliment I can give is that a movie is among my favorites of a given year, but by no means does that require me to name every movie I "liked" as one of the best I've seen that year.
I hate that there are people whose standards of film criticism seem to enforce some sort of Vulcan, emotionless, and impersonal tone to reviews. I think that's utter bullshit. It's also bullshit that using a word like "bullshit" is considered "unbecoming".
523: There Are Ruddy Nazis on the Night Train!

Rex Harrison actually did sport a monocle for a time, until he picked up on the fact that people found it hilariously pompous and goofy.
Brewster McCloud Lands At Long Last

Disc Roundup (Movies & TV) 22 June

519: Unassuming, Unpretentious Close-Up

Disc Roundup (Movies & TV) 15 June