Electric Shadow

Daily Grab 135: The Tru-Tru

Cloud Atlas is one of the best movies you probably didn't see last year. It's now on Blu-ray, and you owe it to yourself to watch its nearly three-hour running time all in one sitting. Go in unencumbered by all the unfinished items on your to-do list. You don't experience a symphony on a track-by-track basis, and the same is true (true) here.

Regarding the below: we all have a creepy green-skinned devil man who looks like Hugo Weaving following us around, in a manner of speaking.

Perdition Blue Eyes on Blu

The upcoming Blu-ray of Road to Perdition (3 August), Sam Mendes' followup to American Beauty, is absolutely gorgeous. Avowed former Blu-ray skeptic Mendes acknowledges his admiration of the picture quality in an optional introduction to the feature. He specifically makes mention of how glad he is to see Conrad Hall's cinematography so elevated by the additional visual data and bitrate as compared to DVD.
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