Electric Shadow

Do Not Buy: Gaiam's MAX FLEISCHER'S SUPERMAN Blu-ray

Gaiam is a media company whose portfolio mostly included yoga, workout, and "sustainable lifestyle" content. Then, in 2012, they bought Vivendi Entertainment and they released a Blu-ray of the classic Max Fleischer Superman theatrical shorts. I bought it blind for around $30 last year, and only just tried watching it last night. Emphasis on tried.

The Max Fleischer Superman shorts are in the public domain, and have been on countless awful DVD and tape compilations for some time. In 2009, Warner Bros. put out a DVD sourced from the original master elements. That $10 DVD set handily outdoes the horrible $30 ripoff that is GAIAM's Blu-ray. All screengrab comparisons in this post are sourced from the discs in question, and represent how these look at full resolution and in motion.

Oh yeah...WB put all 17 shorts on their YouTube channel...in HD. I think this happened around the same time that GAIAM shat this disgusting excuse for a Blu-ray out the door. Good on Warner Bros., and shame on GAIAM. More further down.

GAIAM's 2012 Blu-ray. Note the watermark in the bottom right, which appears throughout every short.

Warner Bros.' 2009 DVD

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