Electric Shadow

The Archers (1): Black & Red & Sex All Over

Today's release of Criterion's gorgeous new Blu-rays of Powell & Pressburger's Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes is truly an occasion for celebration. None of the previous forms or formats in which I've seen either movie come anywhere near the presentation found on these discs. A couple of months ago, I decided that the best way to celebrate would be the limited run of articles you're reading right now. The burden of proof when recommending a vintage or catalog film to a friend is "why should I care and how will this change my life?"
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The Archers: An Introduction

Three months ago, I hatched an absurdly ambitious plan that I'm in the thick of on one front (Cinema Ozu), and finally beginning on another. As P&P are the better-known quantity, I elected to invest most of my time and writing into the still-ongoing Ozu series. Starting today and ending on Friday, I'm doing something fun with the fifteen year partnership between Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.
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