Electric Shadow

Screen Time #37: Peter Weller in "Duke Ellington's Funeral"

This is a new addition to the "personal favorite episode" collection. Within minutes of the episode's posting, I got a guy compaining that we didn't warn about spoilers for The Iliad and The Odyssey.

As always, full shownote links can be found on the episode page. Below is a watching/reading/listening list of watch/read/listen-able things discussed in this week's show. This post is usually for general reference, but I actually think using the below as a binge playlist makes for a really solid Memorial Day Shut-In Weekend.

Peter Weller: PhD, and responsible for some out of a thousand faces

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Screen Time #35 WatchList: Movies Are Not Screwdrivers

Warner Archive's George Feltenstein and I talked about their month-old Warner Archive Instant (WAI) service, misreporting on the internet (ahem), and a ton of great rare and hard-to-find movies and TV shows from Warner Archive Collection (WAC).

The following movies and TV shows were discussed or mentioned during episode 35 of Screen Time, "Movies Are Not Screwdrivers". Almost every single one of these can be found on Warner Archive Instant, which US readers/listeners can try free for two weeks.

The embedded YouTube trailers are almost all user-uploaded versions and don't reflect the (exponentially higher) actual product. Where possible, I used Warner's own clips or trailers from YouTube. The individual WAI pages for each title feature much better trailers in most cases.

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