Electric Shadow

Discovering Ozu 6: Fallen Women and The Dragnet Girl

Ozu takes a hard turn away from his student comedies, embracing major social and political issues in Depression-era Japan, including the plight of women. From prostitutes to...well...more prostitutes and reluctant mob girlfriends, his next three films reveal a filmmaker in transition.

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Discovering Ozu 4: Wives, Crime, Comedy, and Beards

The next few Ozu films cover the last four movies he made in 1930 (out of seven), and the three that he made in 1931. They are a diverse mix of crime, melodrama, romance, an attempt at a character franchise, and the story of Japan's cultural progression.

Check back on this entry in March, when I get my hands on the BFI's latest Ozu Collection release and add screengrabs from the first feature in this in batch...

Satoko Date in 1931's The Lady and The Beard

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