Electric Shadow

Roku/3M Projector with Glorious...Standard Def?

For $300, you can soon own a 3M projector that shoots out a "120 inch image" and is powered by Roku's channel-diverse ecosystem.

The immediate problem I found upon digging up the device's tech specs? The 10-foot diagonal image that this 1.3 pound projector cranks out tops out at 480p. That's DVD-quality at very best. For comparison's sake, 800x480 is lower resolution than the 3.5-inch screen of an iPhone 4. This is not a replacement for anyone's flat-panel TV.

The problems don't end there with this thing, the most unimpressive "big play" since the vaporware, bowling ball-shaped Google Nexus Q. I guess that's why they buried the announcement on a Friday.

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