Electric Shadow

The Daily Grab 32: Dry Goods

The third season of Downton Abbey just started airing on PBS in the US. I've already watched the whole thing, thanks to readily-available import DVDs. I'm watching it as it airs regardless, not just because it's really well-done. Knowing what I know about some ENORMOUS twists that were planned from the beginning of the season, I can't emphasize enough that no fan of the program should allow Season 3 to be spoiled for them.

This still from the tail-end of Season 2, where footman/valet/soldier/valet Thomas gets a massive comeuppance and humbling, which he so deserves. As Patton Oswalt put it so eloquently live-tweeting last night's premiere (which combined the first two UK episodes) "even eats oatmeal like an asshole".

As much as I hate Thomas, his development through Season 3 is very interesting. Season 3 is available on Amazon UK , and if you get it, you have to buy the 2012 Christmas Special "Journey to the Highlands" (13.99GBP/~$23 USD), which ends up fundamentally changing the dynamic of the show going forward.

Movie Producer Says We Must "Tear Down These Walls"

Keith Calder has produced an indie CG animated movie (Battle for Terra), a documentary directed by Morgan Spurlock (POM Wonderful Presents The Greatest Movie Ever Sold), and some fantastic indies (Thunder Soul and The Wackness among others). He's a very smart guy and happens to also be a friend.

He took Patton Oswalt's Just For Laughs keynote address to heart and penned a piece about breaking down the barriers between fans and content:

In the entertainment business, we’re living in very interesting times. There’s a wave of momentum pushing forward a powerful new relationship between artist and fan.

I could not agree more. I discussed this very subject on the pilot of my new show Screen Time, coming soon on 5by5. I think I've found my second guest.