Electric Shadow

Code Monkey Adds Goal, Princess Saves Self, Film at 11

Since posting this update this morning, Greg Pak and Jonathan Coulton's Kickstarter take has leapt from $215k to over $230k. If they hit a quarter million dollars, they will also:

...make a CHILDREN'S BOOK based on Jonathan's awesome song "The Princess Who Saved Herself"! That's right, A WHOLE NEW BOOK, to be delivered digitally to every backer at the $15 level and above! And if we go far enough over the stretch goal, we'll consider the possibility of printing actual physical copies as well. 

"The Princess Who Saved Herself" tells the story of a tough, tomboy princess who encounters a scary dragon and creepy witch -- and recruits them to play in her rock band. It's a beautiful, fun, funny song, and with your help, it's going to be a great kids' book. If we make the stretch goal, the whole "Code Monkey Save World" creative team will shift over to work on the children's book once the graphic novel is completed.

Click here to listen to the song: greg-pak.tumblr.com/post/48830950120/the-princess-who-saved-herself-by

Click over to the Kickstarter to see the gorgeous cover art and for more info. I interviewed Greg and Jonathan a couple of weeks ago on Giant Size (subscribe in iTunes). I'm finally pledging in myself tomorrow.

Comic Shack Reading List #25: Taste the Hulk Rainbow

On The Comic Shack, we talk about jumping-on points for characters, creators, and whatever makes sense given the topic. This is a new thing I'll be doing as a companion to that show so that you have one article you can Instapaper/Pocket/Readability/bookmark/self-email as a single reference point of all the recommendations we make in the order they were recommended.

Prices by edition are as of this writing. I'll update this as I find more digital options, so check back.


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