Electric Shadow

Undoing the SAGA Saga

ComiXology CEO David Steinberger issues a clarification to yesterday's comic book industry controversy, but I don't see Apple as off the hook:

In the last 24 hours there has been a lot of chatter about Apple banning Saga #12 from our Comics App on the Apple App Store due to depictions of gay sex. This is simply not true, and we’d like to clarify.

As a partner of Apple, we have an obligation to respect its policies for apps and the books offered in apps.  Based on our understanding of those policies, we believed that Saga #12 could not be made available in our app, and so we did not release it today.

Counter to what John Gruber implies, that ComiXology is entirely at fault here is a grossly reductive way to look at this. Had ComiXology published this comic in their iOS app, and had Apple received a volume of content-based complaints, Apple could have pulled the entire app from the App Store, including in-app purchase ability for those still with it downloaded. I'm surprised that someone like John would gloss over this or forget it was possible, and indeed, has happened.

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Marvel #1 "700 Issues" Promo Returns

After the first try crashed servers left and right, massively out-performing any single traffic day in their history by multiple orders of magnitude, ComiXology and Marvel are re-doing their Marvel #1 promo. Sign up before 11:59pm ET April 9th, watch your inbox for your invite starting on April 11th.

This rolling signup process will certainly ease the strain on their servers and ensure things go a great deal more smoothly. Get in there while you can.