Electric Shadow

Apple Bans a Secondary Storefront from iOS

The AppGratis story is three days old, but bears re-examination in light of the "Saga Saga":

Over this past weekend, Apple pulled AppGratis from the App Store, explaining on Monday that the app discovery software violated two App Store regulations in particular: one banning apps that promote other apps in a manner similar to the App Store, and another forbidding apps using push notifications to send advertising, promotions, or direct marketing of any kind.

As the piece goes on to say, that the app was approved mutliple times and then suddenly got yanked is interesting, to say the least.

The behavior they're objecting to is technically the sort of thing that apps like ComiXology and other content storefronts could engage in as part of their core business. Some do. Many games actively engage in push notification behaviors like those described. If you want to read it a certain way, many in-app purchases could make that inventory considered a secondary storefront, whether in games or other apps.

This case makes you wonder whether Apple even gives content providers the level of attention or responsiveness they need to keep publishing, and instead pay more attention to what needs to be shut down (for their needs) like this.

Undoing the SAGA Saga

ComiXology CEO David Steinberger issues a clarification to yesterday's comic book industry controversy, but I don't see Apple as off the hook:

In the last 24 hours there has been a lot of chatter about Apple banning Saga #12 from our Comics App on the Apple App Store due to depictions of gay sex. This is simply not true, and we’d like to clarify.

As a partner of Apple, we have an obligation to respect its policies for apps and the books offered in apps.  Based on our understanding of those policies, we believed that Saga #12 could not be made available in our app, and so we did not release it today.

Counter to what John Gruber implies, that ComiXology is entirely at fault here is a grossly reductive way to look at this. Had ComiXology published this comic in their iOS app, and had Apple received a volume of content-based complaints, Apple could have pulled the entire app from the App Store, including in-app purchase ability for those still with it downloaded. I'm surprised that someone like John would gloss over this or forget it was possible, and indeed, has happened.

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Apple Bans SAGA #12 from iOS, Or: No Gay Sex Please, We're Apple

The issue has been refused from in-app sale on "inappropriate content" grounds from all iOS apps: ComiXology, the Image Comics app, everything...except for iBooks. That's odd, and smells anti-competitive, since Apple sells an enormous pile of radically more graphic content in iBooks and iTunes.

This enraged tweet from Merlin Mann is a good indicator of where the fan base is at the moment. God, if he were a superhero he would kick some bureaucratic ass and quick.

iOS wasn't properly scaled from the outset to transform into its present state as an impossibly broad content delivery machine. Steve Jobs originally and forcefully pushed for only web apps in iOS (or was that spin?). With native apps and content, Apple becomes the judge, jury, and censor regarding acceptable content. As far ahead as they think in some areas, they actively ignore a lot until its a big enough problem to matter, to infuriating effect. If you don't make noise, they won't feel compelled to act. Send some emails to the not-hard-to-find executive team's inboxes if you don't like this. They do listen, but if there's no noise to be heard...

Have you not read Saga and think comics are a lousy place to find sci-fi? Be warned: the book is for adult eyes, and earlier issues are more graphic than the two measly panels that caused this little fracas. Listen to Merlin and I talk about the first six or so issues between ourselves and take some calls from some muy interesante listeners on The Comic Shack. Go ahead and subscribe. The show is back very, very soon.

I'm stuck on this Merlin-as-a-superhero thing, God knows why. I think there's something there. Hm.