Electric Shadow
Screen Time #37: Peter Weller in "Duke Ellington's Funeral"
This is a new addition to the "personal favorite episode" collection. Within minutes of the episode's posting, I got a guy compaining that we didn't warn about spoilers for The Iliad and The Odyssey.
As always, full shownote links can be found on the episode page. Below is a watching/reading/listening list of watch/read/listen-able things discussed in this week's show. This post is usually for general reference, but I actually think using the below as a binge playlist makes for a really solid Memorial Day Shut-In Weekend.
Peter Weller: PhD, and responsible for some out of a thousand faces
Daily Grab 133: Murphy
I met Peter Weller at yesterday's Ain't It Cool News double feature of Star Trek Into Darkness and Robocop. Professor/Doctor Weller is a brilliant man, consummate raconteur...
...and my next confirmed guest for Screen Time, following Jane Withers (whose episode posts very soon). He'll be on live late this week or very early the next, unless his schedule changes (as they do). He asked me to call Monday or Tuesday when he's back in Los Angeles. Keep an eye on the 5by5 schedule for updates.
He told me to tell you that the one posting tomorrow with Jane Withers ("James Dean's Pink Shirt") is your homework.
We'll naturally talk a bit about his time with the Hong Kong Cavaliers, his work protecting Detroit and Gotham, and his exterminator pastime he kept up alongside a drug habit...but I'm more interested in talking about the power of myth and the nature of art. Everyone knows Peter Weller has a PhD in Art History, right?