Electric Shadow

HOBBIT in 48fps only in Select Screenings

Variety has the exclusive on this news:

According to source familiar with Warner's release plans for Peter Jackson's first "Hobbit," the HFR version will go out to only select locations, perhaps not even into all major cities.

People who have seen much of the film in 48 frames-per-second 3D tell Variety the picture now looks vastly better than the test footage shown this April at CinemaCon, which had not yet undergone post-production polishing and got a mixed reception from exhibitors.

I don't think this choice is unwise in the least. It definitely looks quite different from what literally everyone is used to. I'm still very hopeful and optimistic. There are those who said that talkies, color, and 70mm weren't cinematic.

Maybe I'll love it, maybe I'll hate it. Can't wait to see.

Regarding THE HOBBIT in Three Parts

Peter Jackson is in the "more money than God" tax bracket. He's not making a third Hobbit movie for the money.

I'm not personal friends with the guy. I've never spoken to him in person. I really, really love his early films as well as his Lord of the Rings trilogy. King Kong lost a bit of its luster after the first viewing, and The Lovely Bones is a narrative that I'm convinced no one could make "fun" (since it's drenched in dreariness).

If there's a third movie to be made, it's because the narrative bears out with the breathing room of three features. As far as I know, part of the issue is the 150-160 minute limit arbitrarily placed on the studio by the exhibitors. Jackson isn't making a trio of 4-hour movies, and I trust that he is focused on telling the best story possible. Then again, I think that 48fps isn't an aberration on the face of cinema, so what do I know.