Electric Shadow

Giant Size #33: Cigar-Smoking Baby

Comics pro Antony Johnston returns to Giant Size and joins Drobo CEO Geoff Barrall to properly school me in the various worlds and characters of the UK's 2000AD , with a particular focus on one-man judge/jury/executioner Judge Dredd. One of my favorite bits of this episode is listening to the two of them enthuse about their childhood discoveries of various stories through 2000AD's ultra-violent (and thoroughly satirical) lens.

This week's interview with colorist extraordinaire Elizabeth Breitweiser begins at the 01:44:52 mark. Pick up Velvet  #1 (written by Ed Brubaker, penciled by Steve Epting, and colored by Elizabeth) and add it to your pull list.

Gaze into the fist of dredd0.jpg

1800+ weekly issues strong, 2000AD has never shied away from political subject matter and the topical since its inception in 1977. What follows is a US-focused reading list of how to get your hands on the biggest, most iconic and interesting stories we discussed in this week's show.

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files #02 (progs 61-115)
includes "The Cursed Earth" and "The Day the Law Died" and more
 $15 TPB or $10 Kindle Edition

Dredd goes over land from Mega City One (east coast) to Mega City Two (west coast), with a life-saving vaccine and a convict in tow.  Immediately spilling out of that, one of his biggest early nemeses arises and gives him hell.

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files #05 (progs 208-270)
includes "Block Mania" and "The Apocalypse War" and more
 $16 TPB or $10 Kindle Edition 

The most iconic, go-to classic Dredd story sees major, lasting implications for the planet and world of Dredd, replete with Cold War imagery.

The above three collections, for a remarkably reasonable price, collect some of the most definitive early Dredd stories. If you grab #03, you'll get the first appearances of both Judge Death and Judge Anderson, and a bunch of self-contained stories.

The US has only seen six print volumes of the "Complete Case Files" released, whereas they've released 21 of them in the UK. The good news is that they are all available in the 2000AD Newsstand app for iOS. Alternately, you could import the UK editions from Amazon UK.

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files #07 (progs 322-375)
"Cry of the Werewolf""The Graveyard Shift""The Haunting of Sector House 9"
£11 TPB

 Antony was very into some of these weirder, horror-tinged stories. How can you resist a story that starts with a cover showing Dredd turning into a werewolf?

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files #08 (progs 376-423)
"City of the Damned" 
  £11 TPB or $14 on iOS Newsstand

Time travel finds its way into Dredd stories here, where Dredd and Judge Anderson travel to the future. The story serves as a continuation of "The Judge Child", so make sure you read that one first. For the record, it precedes Chris Claremont's "Days of Future Past" by four years.


Unfortunately, many of the other characters we discussed either haven't been reprinted in the US (like Sam Slade Robo-Hunter), or they're out of print (Strontium Dog).

Rogue Trooper: Tales of Nu Earth 1 ($16)
Rogue Trooper: Tales of Nu Earth 2 ($15)

A genetically-engineered soldier on his own against an endless war, the good people at IDW recently announced a new ongoing Rogue Trooper series. These collections are similar in style to the Dredd Complete Case Files.

The Complete Nemesis the Warlock, Volume 1

Put by Kieron Gillen to Matt Fraction as something along the lines of "this is how messed up what we  grew up on is", I'm chomping at the bit to devour Kevin O'Neill art that I've never seen.

Sláine : The Horned God ($18 HC)
Sláine: Warriors Dawn ($14 TPB)
Sláine: Book of Invasions Volume 1 ($16)

Described as a Celtic Conan the Barbarian, he was controversial as an addition to what was considered a sic-fi-only publication. He's proven to stay immensely popular in retrospect. I've no context for the above collections, but they're all that's available in the US. 

The Ballad of Halo Jones ($15 TPB)

A rare female main character, Alan Moore's work here has eluded me thus far, but now I have little excuse. I'm especially ashamed to have not read this, considering how highly acclaimed it is.

 The Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks ($15 TPB)

Including Abelard Snazz and all of Moore's other short stories aside from the bigger scale of both Halo Jones and D.R. and Quinch.

The Complete D.R. and Quinch ($15 TPB) 

Dredd goes across the Cursed Earth and eventually off into space to find a prophesized savior for Mega City One. We spoil a twist about this one during the show. includes , , and  and more  or $14 on iOS Newsstandincludes and more 

Alan Moore's pair of ne'er-do-well college troublemakers is all collected in one neat little trade. 

Harry 20 on the High Rock ( $13)

A wrongly accused man ends up on an orbital prison, and he's forced to survive against the odds. 


I'm amazed I got this show recorded and this all written. I'm sick as a dog…a Strontium Dog. 

The Daily Grab 36: Slo-Mo

Dredd is one of the best comic book adaptions I've ever seen. I saw it twice in 3D, and it looked outstanding. It perfectly matches the tone of the original 2000 AD comics, down to Judge Dredd never taking his helmet off and Judge Anderson never putting hers on. The Stallone version has nothing on this one. It would have to do insanely, impossibly well on home video to help nudge a sequel into existence.